
~Tantric Priestess~Source Energy~Oneness~

My faith: My Womb is a sacred temple. I have dedicated my life to midwifing women and reconnecting to their Womb, its mysteries and its power. Womb power encompasses more than pro-creation. In the highest form, the Womb is sacred temple and intentional energetic connection to the womb is connecting with the shaman-priestess and to Source. When we connect Womb and Source Energy and channel it through all the chakras,  we see we are One with the Unified Intelligent Energy Field. We are activated and united with the Great Cosmic Womb of all time. I am empowered to call in genuine seekers and/or wise ones, wherever they are in their process, so that together, we can dance with the cosmos and honor spiral pathways of evolution~
Reclaiming embodiment is vital acceptance of a gift. Once we accept and honor sacred embodiment, we may commence higher brain integration and experience the journey to hearts awakening, harmony, healing and oneness. This focus, is mindfully intended to guide and sometimes to re-direct us back to our soul destiny. Each of us are alchemists-in-training with the potential to infinite intelligence.  It is our sovereign right to  learn, or remember,  align, cleanse and activate the spiral stairway using source energy. Initial ceremony may, or may not, be able to fully encompass the activation process. With busy stressful lives and counter conditioning, it may take several sessions to unlearn social and physical conditioning and awaken our capacities. However initial ceremonies are precursors of activation potential; planting seeds and inspiring deeper journeys and our quest for enlightenment. It is up to each individual to pursue their unique quest. I can be a way-shower.

tantric priestess oath image

My Oath:

I am divinely inspired by the feminine

by the beauty, power, and grace of my Womb~body temple

by the mystic spiral source energies we co-create

I am in awe; witnessing the miracles of being an educated sentient woman, wombn Priestess

Exploring the higher powers of sensual energetics is my spiritual sovereign right

I am called to cultivate consciousness through the alchemy of embodiment

I am dedicated to discovering the truest meanings and purpose of Source Energy

I pledge my intention to explore my divinely given power with integrity and always aim for the highest good

I pledge to awaken, channel, integrate, transform and weave source energy with an open heart, open mind, and mutual respect


~ Devi ~